Friday, March 26, 2010

Drakensburg: Dragon Mountains

We decided to rent a car for the first 10 days in South Africa so we could take in the amazing Drakensburg mountains which would be more or less unaccessible by bus. We headed to Central Drakensburg and stayed at the incredibly situated Inkosana Lodge. It offers pretty unbeatable views and very delicious soup as well as three huge but well behaved dogs. For such a remote area, it was surprisingly busy but that may have been because it was a long weekend.

We did a few day hikes - one from Monk's Cowl in Central Drakensburg and one from near the Amphitheater in Northern Drakensburg - both of which were stunning. It was nice to stretch the legs again, climb up the trails and amble on top of the plateaus. The only downside was that it was a little damp and threatening rain so we didn't aim for particularly long hikes incase the weather turned against us. We managed to spot a very cool Drakensburg dwarf chameleon which kept us entertained for 10 minutes while it climbed up a stalk of grass.

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