Friday, November 19, 2010


We took a wonderful overnight sleeper train from Cairo to the Nile hugging southern city of Aswan. From here the amazing ruins of Abu Simbel were only a few hours away. To help with tourist safety certain destinations can only be reached via a police convoy. These convoys leave at specific times during the day. The morning convoy to Abu Simbel left at 4 a.m. which meant a 2.45 a.m. wake up call for us! Certainly the pressure was on for this to be a good day and we weren't dissapointed. The 2 rock-cut temples with 20m tall colossal statues guarding the entrances certainly were a treat for tired eyes. The fine carvings in side the temples took our minds off the stiffling heat. After an hour and a half we were back on the minibus to join the convoy back to Aswan. So it was a 6 hour round trip to spend 90 minutes at the ruin site, which doesn't sound that great on paper, but was well worth it especially to see pink painted police watch towers at the check points in the middle of the desert.

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