Saturday, October 30, 2010

Jordan - Amman

Amman is the 'modern' capital of Jordan and where we met James for our two week Jordanian adventure. While Amman won't win any beauty prizes it was a nice enough place to spend a few days. Besides having two (two!) places that serve sweet, delicious beer, Amman is also home to a few cultural sites.

We hiked up the hot, endless steps to the citadel which not only had some excellent ruins but also gave great views of the city. As an extra bonus, we also got to listen to the awesome sounds of an Arabic bagpipe band and saw some of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

We also visited the local Roman theater that was built in the 2nd century AD.

The excellent ruins of Jerash are about an hour North of Amman. Jerash is a huge and beautifully preserved site of a Roman city. All the usual 'ruined Roman city' sites of interest where here, the theatre, the forum, the (impressive) main gate, the nymphaeum (I wish fountains where still referred to as nymphaeums) and the many columned temples. Alas, most of the columns had succomed to their sesmic nemisis: the earthquake. Another impressive addition in Jerash was the hippodrome, but just as you're always in a whale-watching area out of season, we were here on the only day of the week that the reinactment of the chariot races weren't racing. Neither was the 'Gladiator' show showing which would have been hilarious.

We finished off the day by taking a trip up to the awesome Ajloun castle.

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