Saturday, October 30, 2010

Wadi Rum

Wadi Rum is billed as Jordan's second biggest tourist attraction and was described as 'gobsmacking' by a tourist we ran into. While I'm not sure I'd go so far as to crack out 'gobsmacking' it is cool and very beautiful. Not only does it have its fair share of great sand dunes but it also has some beautiful rock formations and some great rock inscriptions. We spent an afternoon rambling around in an ancient 4wd (that makes Big Red look like a sleek new machine) checking out the sights and even climbing to the top of dune until we were dropped off at a local 'Bedouin' camp. The Bedouin are a nomadic desert people who have typically survived by herding goats and camels in the desert but now many of them make their money from the tourism. Our camp was brand new - built just 3 day earlier - with basic and comfortable accommodation, especially considering we were in a desert. We got a yummy chicken and potato dinner cooked in a Bedouin oven - a pit dug into the ground and covered with coals and soil.

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